Our center


The Centre International John Knox is located in Geneva's Grand-Saconnex district, on a large wooded plot close to the international organizations, with a magnificent view of the Geneva countryside, the Jura mountains and, in the distance, the lake.

Access is via a quiet, shady lane. Geneva airport is not far away. Public transport is nearby and, from December 2022, bus 59 will serve the "John Knox" stop on our doorstep.

The Centre is a place of welcome, peace and dialogue, an oasis of calm open to people of all backgrounds and religions. It's friendly, simple and multicultural. Visitors come from all over the world.

We offer conference and meeting rooms for hire, a cafeteria and rooms at affordable rates.

We welcome intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, diplomatic missions, universities, local authorities and socio-professional groups for training or seminars, as well as groups interested in well-being and spirituality. We also welcome guests looking for a quiet place to eat and sleep.

Our aim is to satisfy our customers' need for a peaceful haven in which to reflect. We are motivated by our values of hospitality, conviviality and living well together.


Work is currently underway to renovate the Center. Some buildings will be restored, others replaced. The new buildings will be environmentally friendly and sustainable. The exceptional landscaped heritage of the site will be enhanced.

Our mission of welcoming visitors will be extended by the introduction of a program of conferences on themes such as ethics, sustainable development, spirituality and inter-religious dialogue. In addition, the Centre will continue to support the "Témoigner Ensemble à Genève" (TEAG) movement.

The new Centre will be anchored in the local and international community that surrounds it.